Financial Strength and Stability
Maintaining a strong financial position is core to Old Republic Title’s strategy for success. Since 1992, no other title insurer has had higher overall ratings than Old Republic Title.* These financial strength and stability ratings reflect the Company’s strong operating performance over the long run, excellent capitalization and liquidity, as well as sound investment and reserving policies. Old Republic Title Insurance Group and its member underwriters have been assigned the following financial ratings:
Our parent company, Old Republic International Corporation (ORI), is among the nation's 50 largest publicly held insurance organizations and a member of the Fortune 500 listing of America's largest companies. It has consolidated assets of approximately $27.1 billion (as of March 31, 2024). Since 1923, ORI has grown as a specialty insurance business and has one of the industry’s best records as a long-term growth company. As a result, it serves many of America’s leading industrial and financial services companies.
*Old Republic Title’s underwriters are Old Republic National Title Insurance Company and American Guaranty Title Insurance Company. Ratings as of 6/7/2024. Rating determinations made by rating agencies are subject to change. There are four main rating agencies: A.M. Best, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Demotech. Each of these rating agencies use their own proprietary scale to rate an insurance company (A.M. Best: A+ to D; Standard & Poor’s: AAA to D; Moody’s: Aaa to Baa3; and Demotech: A” to S). While the Company attempts to show accurate information, it cannot assure the reliability of ratings referred to herein and assumes no obligation to monitor the ratings of any rating agency or to immediately incorporate any rating changes applicable to the Company.

Annual Review
You can find more information about ORI's and Old Republic Title Insurance Group’s finances by looking through ORI’s 2020 Annual Review.
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For Investors
Interested in investing in ORI? Find stock prices and more information about our parent company, Old Republic International, here.
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Company Timeline
Learn more about the long history of Old Republic Title by taking a look at our Company Timeline document.
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